Local 100 Plumbers and Pipefitters Apprenticeship Program Application

New Applicant Information
Minimum Requirements: (Please provide the following documents to prove eligibility)

  1. Must be at least 18 years old.
  2. Must have a copy of your Birth Certificate. This is the certificate issued by the county you were born in. The certificate issued by the hospital will not be accepted (if foreign, provide a copy of your Permanent Resident Card).
  3. High school transcript. You may also submit a copy of your high school diploma, but we MUST have a copy of the official high school transcript showing graduation date. You may submit a copy of the GED certificate, including GED scores if you do not have a diploma.
  4. Photocopy of valid, current Texas Driver’s License.
  5. Photocopy of Social Security Card.
  6. Military Service DD-214 Form (if applicable).
  7. Plumber’s Apprentice Card: All apprentices (plumbers, pipefitters, and HVAC service techs) are required to have a Plumber’s Apprentice Card issued by the Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners, (TSBPE). You may apply for your card by mail or online at www.tsbpe.state.tx.us. The fee is $15 and payable to TSBPE (not the school). It is your responsibility to obtain your apprentice card. It normally takes at least 10 days for you to receive your card from the State.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office.


Our Apprentice Applications are currently closed. Please return on May 1st to begin the Application Process.