
Saving Our Siblings

Life can be very hard. Even the strongest among us need help sometimes. Are you having a tough time? Are you considering suicide? Are you struggling with anxiety, depression, addiction, or any other mental health issue? If so, you came to the right place.

Call or text any of the SOS members pictured below. They are not therapists but peer allies that can get you the help that you need. Please don’t suffer in silence. Please give us a chance to help you. It’s okay to not be okay.

If you are considering suicide, you can also call 988. They are staffed with professionals around the clock that can help. If you don’t feel comfortable calling 988 yourself, one of the SOS members will be happy to call them with you.

Also, please see the Member Assistance Program information below. You can get professional help for you or any of your dependents through this service at no cost to you.

Meet Your SOS Peer Allies: Your Support System

Sometimes, all you need is someone who understands. Meet our Local 100 SOS peer allies. They are not therapists but your allies, here to guide you and help you find the assistance you need.

UA Local 100 member
Ben Bradshaw
Cindy Brummett
Cindy Brummett
Brian Riley
Brian Riley
James Muhammad
James Muhammad
Jeff Barlow
Jeff Barlow
John Medley
John Medley
Kristopher Shirley
Kristopher Shirley
Matthew Morris
Matthew Morris
Nathan Saavedra
Nathan Saavedra
Steven Mckinnis
Steven Mckinnis
Tanya Peddy
Tanya Peddy
Travis Cantwell
Travis Cantwell
Mark Prater
Mark Prater
Robert Ray
Robert Ray
Trevor Benavidez
Trevor Benavidez
Sean Johnson
Sean T. Johnson
Austin Mooney
Austin Mooney
Matthew Cutter
Paige Gardner
Renee Aguins
Fernando Ochoa
James Burgess
Brannan Medina
Virginia Henderson
Jeremy Rench
Emily Mendez
Joshua Cantu
Ryan Hoops
Alyssa Tamayo
Ashley Richeson
Evan Jones
Andy Bradshaw
Michael Lawson, Jr.
Lance Pope
Angel Falcon
Christian Cantu
Ben Bradshaw, Jr.

Remember, you don’t have to face your challenges alone – let us support you on your path to wellness.

Don’t suffer in silence; reach out to your Local 100 SOS peer allies today.

Local 100 EAP Flyer

download Local 100 EAP Flyer

Please click on the PDF below
to review more information about this program.

UA Local 100 SOS Program: Get Started

If you are a first-time user looking to access the Local 100 SOS program, follow our simple step-by-step instructions to log in and begin your journey toward well-being. Click the button to find the easy-to-follow instructions.

step-by-step login instructions

12 Step Recovery Process

12steppers.org is a resource website providing information on 12 step programs, the 12 step method and recovery from addiction via the 12 steps. Click the button to learn more.

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Find Treatment

The confidential and anonymous resource for persons seeking treatment for mental and substance use disorders in the United States and its territories.

Find treatment here.